



  1. Title タイトル
  2. Authors 著者
  3. Abstract 要約
  4. Introduction 研究の前提となる背景や、先行研究の紹介、問題提起、そして本研究の目的で締めくくられる。
  5. Methods 被験者情報や、実験に必要な具体的な情報が網羅されている。
  6. Results 実験の結果が羅列されている。この部分は客観的な事実。図表は著者らが特に強調したい内容。
  7. Discussion 結果に対する考察。なぜ、その結果が生じたかの仮説や研究の問題点についても言及される。
  8. Conclusion まとめ。著者らが主張したいことが、端的に述べられている。
  9. Reference 参考文献











The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of low- versus high-load resistance training (RT) on muscular adaptations in well-trained subjects. Eighteen young men experienced in RT were matched according to baseline strength and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 experimental groups: a low-load RT routine (LL) where 25-35 repetitions were performed per set per exercise (n = 9) or a high-load RT routine (HL) where 8-12 repetitions were performed per set per exercise (n = 9). During each session, subjects in both groups performed 3 sets of 7 different exercises representing all major muscles. Training was performed 3 times per week on nonconsecutive days, for a total of 8 weeks. Both HL and LL conditions produced significant increases in thickness of the elbow flexors (5.3 vs. 8.6%, respectively), elbow extensors (6.0 vs. 5.2%, respectively), and quadriceps femoris (9.3 vs. 9.5%, respectively), with no significant differences noted between groups. Improvements in back squat strength were significantly greater for HL compared with LL (19.6 vs. 8.8%, respectively), and there was a trend for greater increases in 1 repetition maximum (1RM) bench press (6.5 vs. 2.0%, respectively). Upper body muscle endurance (assessed by the bench press at 50% 1RM to failure) improved to a greater extent in LL compared with HL (16.6 vs. -1.2%, respectively). These findings indicate that both HL and LL training to failure can elicit significant increases in muscle hypertrophy among well-trained young men; however, HL training is superior for maximizing strength adaptations.






Introduction:研究背景・目的 目印となる定型語が存在します。This study was designed to investigate …,The purpose of this study …,In this paper, …,などのフレーズが出てきたら、その文が研究目的を記述している箇所です。

Methods:実験方法 被験者の情報やグループ分け、介入内容などがシンプルに書かれてあります。young menとかolder womenとか人を表す単語が出てきたら被験者情報だと思ってください。そのほか”n=〇”という被験者の数を表す記述が出てきたり、groupsという単語が含まれているのを見れば、「この部分はMethodsだ」と認識しやすいと思います。

Result:結果 結果の記述に入ると、significant(有意な)、increase(増える)、decrease(減る)という単語であったり、±・%などの記号が出てくるようになります。データを示す箇所でもあるので、必然的に数字も混ざってきます。文章中に(  )が割り込んできていて、最初は読みづらさを感じるかもしれませんが、落ち着いて区別すれば難しくありません。ここは淡々と結果が羅列されているところです。

Conclusion:結論 ここも目印となる定型語が存在します。In conclusion, …,These results suggest that …,We conclude that …,These findings indicate that …,このようなフレーズが出てくると、それ以降が著者らが主張したい結論です。

The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of low- versus high-load resistance training (RT) on muscular adaptations in well-trained subjects. / Eighteen young men experienced in RT were matched according to baseline strength and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 experimental groups: a low-load RT routine (LL) where 25-35 repetitions were performed per set per exercise (n = 9) or a high-load RT routine (HL) where 8-12 repetitions were performed per set per exercise (n = 9). During each session, subjects in both groups performed 3 sets of 7 different exercises representing all major muscles. Training was performed 3 times per week on nonconsecutive days, for a total of 8 weeks. / Both HL and LL conditions produced significant increases in thickness of the elbow flexors (5.3 vs. 8.6%, respectively), elbow extensors (6.0 vs. 5.2%, respectively), and quadriceps femoris (9.3 vs. 9.5%, respectively), with no significant differences noted between groups. Improvements in back squat strength were significantly greater for HL compared with LL (19.6 vs. 8.8%, respectively), and there was a trend for greater increases in 1 repetition maximum (1RM) bench press (6.5 vs. 2.0%, respectively). Upper body muscle endurance (assessed by the bench press at 50% 1RM to failure) improved to a greater extent in LL compared with HL (16.6 vs. -1.2%, respectively). / These findings indicate that both HL and LL training to failure can elicit significant increases in muscle hypertrophy among well-trained young men; however, HL training is superior for maximizing strength adaptations.




トレーナーが知っておきたいP値のこと トレーナーが知っておきたい外的妥当性 トレーナーが知っておきたい研究結果の外的妥当性 簡単な論文検索―初心者でも文献データベースを使わずに探す